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Mosley Motors provides parts and services for FJ40, FJ60, FJ80, FZJ80, UZJ 100 Toyota Land Cruisers. Engine conversions, fuel injections kits, leather upholstery and more.

Leather Interiors

Lexus GX470 Leather Upholstery

Lexus GX470 Leather Upholstery

from $1,274.95

High quality replacement leather for Lexus GX470 models in the matching Lexus Gray & Oak colors.

These premium top grain leather leather upholstery sets are CNC cut to factory-matched patterns. Kits include all armrests, headrests, and center consoles.

Choose the seat cooler option to add a Katzkin Degrees ventilated heating & cooling system to the front two seats. If you’d like to add them to other seats, or only cool the driver seat, contact us to build an order.

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